Every laptop must have a bag to call home. If you are in the market for an amazing leather laptop bag then look no further, because honestly, we nailed it. Full-grain American saddle leather and durable wax canvas are heirloom quality materials that come together to make the ultimate bags, be it a laptop briefcase, messenger bag, iPad Pro bag, or laptop backpack.
The real magic of these leather laptop bags is seen when the hands of our expert artisans meet the luxuriant materials. The rest of the process is just letting the masters work. Each bag is a masterpiece and, as with all masterpieces, they are each signed by the artisan. Our leather bags have been designed to reign supreme where it counts, in both form and function. We have put pockets right where we know you need them. Protection is superb, you will never worry about your laptop in these bags.
Drawing on old world craftsmanship techniques and combining it with new world design ethos, we have crafted something that will last and tell your story for years to come. That's why all of our laptop bags and laptop backpacks carry an over the top 25 year warrany. We are that sure.