Though they can come in many styles, colors, patterns, and materials, the word satchel usually brings to mind the classic, English-looking bag, with ideas of leather, straps, and boarding school. Satchels, which can look much like briefcases, can look very classy and fashion-forward, which might be why they're so popular (after all, Indiana Jones used one). One of the more popular brands is the Cambridge satchel, which are beautiful handmade leather creations that are not only found in black and brown, but bright neon and pastel colors as well. The Cambridge satchel itself comes in many styles as well, varying in size—-from shoulder bag to mini clutch—-and versatility, with handles, shoulder straps, backpacks, and more. A satchel as a backpack usually brings to mind the classic school satchel used at private, preppy boarding schools. This type of satchel is a very classy and fashion-forward way to carry one's books, and can be found on sites like eBay, where sellers offer new and pre-owned products.