No matter where your day takes you, the journey can be more enjoyable if you tote a shoulder bag along. Sort through options by looking through the vast inventory on eBay and finding perfect items that have plenty of space. Get a bag that is great for travel and durable enough to hold up well during hiking trips, trips around the world, or weekend getaways. Many shoulder bags are made of tough canvas or leather, and have adjustable straps to keep the contents securely inside. Look for one that has backpack-style straps, allowing you to keep both hands free and balance the weight of the bag evenly across each shoulder. Also, ensure that your precious iPad or Kindle e-reader is safe from spills and scratches by keeping it stowed inside of a handy tablet bag. Many of these bags have anti-shock foam inside, just in case you accidentally drop the bag, and some also include a shaped pocket for your mobile phone. A well-stocked and sturdy shoulder bag can keep you well-equipped throughout your busy and eventful day.