- Classic Signature
- Mini Signature
- Optic Signature
- Graphic Signature
- Signature Stripe
- If you want to claim a file at a warranty at your local Coach purse, the company may not grant your request if you don't try using its cleaner on your purse first.
- Blot it dry with a new cloth and do not use it until it is completely dry.
Method 2
Cleaning a Fabric Purse Without Coach CleanerMethod 3
Cleaning a Leather Purse With Coach Cleaner- Purchase a set of Coach Cleaner and Moisturizer. You can get it from your local Coach store or from Coach's website. This will work for the following collections:
- Soho Buck Leather
- Soho Vintage Leather
- Legacy Buck Leather
- Hamptons Buck Leather
- Polished Calf Leather
- English Bridle Leather
Apply a small amount of the cleaner using a clean, soft cloth. Rub the cleaner into the leather using gentle, circular motions.
- Wipe off any existing residue. Allow the purse to dry for at least 30 minutes.
- Apply the Coach Leather Moisturizer to restore luster and shine to the newly cleaned leather.
- Rub the moisturizer onto the leather using a clean, dry cloth.
- Wipe off the residue and buff the leather with a clean cloth.
Method 4
Cleaning a Leather Purse Without Coach Cleaner- Wipe the purse with a wet cloth. Make sure the cloth isn't too wet so the purse isn't soaked.
- Use your finger or a q-tip to put a small amount of gentle body was onto the stain on your purse. Don't rub it in too hard. Gentle circular motions will do the trick.
- Once you've removed the stain to the best of your ability, take a new damp cloth and remove the remaining soap.
- Give the purse time to dry.
Method 5
Cleaning a Suede Leather Coach Purse With Coach Cleaner
- Find the problem area. Make sure the area is completely dry.
- Use the pink side of the cleaning bar.
- Rub the affected area back and forth. Be gentle.
- Use the brush to remove residue and get the leather back into its original form.
Method 6
Cleaning a Suede Leather Coach Purse Without Coach Cleaner- Apply a small amount of vinegar to a clean cloth. Locate the stain in your purse, and gently wipe it with the cloth to get rid of the stain. This method will work for the following purse collections:
- Hamptons Suede
- Hamptons Mosaic
- Soho Suede
- Chelsea Nubuc
- Don't overdo it with the vinegar. Suede does not react well to too much liquid.
- Dry the purse. Use a new clean cloth to dab the moist part of the purse.
- Let it air dry in a cool dry place. Avoid the sun or any place that is too hot.
- Remove any remaining stains with a suede eraser. Gently rub the eraser over the stain until it disappears.
Fix the flattened parts of your purse. If the part that you cleaned now looks flat or lacks texture, apply a small metal brush to the surface in a circular motion to get it back into shape.
Community Q&A
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- How do I clean a sticky stain inside my Coach purse near the zipper?
wikiHow Contributor
Make a vinegar and baking powder mix into a thick paste and apply for 1-3 hours and wipe off. It may smell for a few days but it should clean it.
- How do I clean a sticky stain near the zipper?
Take a soft sponge, wet it with water and soap. Open the zipper and scrub hard.
- How should I clean the inside of a coach purse?
Apple cider vinegar is your answer. Empty your purse and pour in UNDILUTED apple cider vinegar. Then close the purse and put it in the fridge for two days. Shake it 3-4 times a day and at the end of the second day, drain it out. After that, put it in the freezer for one more day. The purse will be good as new. MAKE SURE IT IS NOT A KNOCKOFF! Only real Coach purses can withstand the vinegar treatment.
- How do I clean up a drink that has spilled in my leather coach?
Mop up excess liquid with a towel, then blot the area using a leather cleaner.
- How do I clean baby oil from the inside and outside of a Coach diaper bag?
Try cornstarch. Sprinkle enough to cover the stain, let it sit overnight, and brush it out/off with a soft brush.
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- Mild soap and water can be used to spot clean Signature Coach handbags.
- In order to clean suede handbags, use the suede care kit that is included with each handbag at the time of purchase.
- Do not let your purse dry in the sun. This may ruin the color or fabric.
- Do not put any of your Coach purses in the washing machine. They can be washed by hand only.