Longchamp Leather Bags Price

December 13, 2018
Longchamp, French Luxury Brand

What I do when I am not stitching leather.ahhh

made from scratch and hide. leather goods.

Welcome to my handmade world.
I have been residing down here in sunny Tucson, AZ for a while now. I can't seem to shake the mostly perfect weather, the amazing hiking and fantastically awesome community.
I love, love, love making things. Even when I am taking a break from making things..I just make other things. Some might call it a compulsion, I call it fun.
I like cooking and gardening and cats and boots and beer and wine and lots of coffee.

I am NOT a factory. I am NOT a collective. I do NOT outsource anything. I am one person making everything you see here. I design, pattern, cut, punch and stitch every item that you see in my shop. It is truly a labor of love. I have been at it for a long time & still wake up excited with new ideas. I think that is a sign.

I am truly ONE person in a home studio making all the items in my shop. If you are expecting factory made goods, please think carefully before purchasing. These are 100% HANDMADE.

Thanks so much for supporting handmade,


Source: www.etsy.com
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