I have always liked bags. I like a place for my stuff & I like my stuff to be with me when I need it. I have had nylon bags, canvas bags, leather bags & combinations of the various materials. I have had messenger bags, laptop bags, backpacks, shoulder bags, satchels & there was even a time when I wore a fanny pack way back when they were cool. The bags that have come in and out of my life through the years either didn't last or didn't have the functionality that I wanted.
I live just outside of Austin Texas & worked in the high-tech home automation industry as a designer for 20+ years. Austin's casual, laid back style fits me perfectly. Even while meeting with top architects, builders, wealthy home owners & celebrities around the world I dressed in my faded jeans, well worn cowboy boots & hat. Carrying a laptop & files was a necessity, but a run of the mill nylon laptop bag just did not cut it. Even some of the old, vintage leather bags I found were just too refined. I didn't want silk or cloth linings, I didn't want snaps, zippers, or velcro which eventually break. I wanted a rustic, Indiana Jones type bag that would last through whatever adventure I put it through. I wanted a bag that would be my companion on business meetings, outback excursions and urban tramping. I ride a motorcycle and have always had heavy duty custom leather saddlebags that have lasted many years & many miles in all kinds of weather. I thought to myself, "I need a satchel as durable as my trusty old saddlebags".
As a designer, I sketched up what I thought would be the ultimate combination of form and function, with a bunch of toughness thrown in for good measure. I took the idea to several leather workers, who gave their experienced opinions and after a revision or six I had a leather messenger bag custom made for me. My new bag carried my worldly possessions in rugged style. Now, always with me are my sketch book/journal, pens, pencils, LED flashlight, multi-tool pocket knife, camera, MP3 player, business cards, my favorite gum, sunglasses, the current book that I'm reading, a bottle of water, and on occasion even my laptop. It so happened that whenever I was traveling or at a business meeting, airport, or coffee shop I always got compliments & questions about my distressed, rustic bag. That is how Rustic Leather started.
Now Rustic Leather has messenger bags, briefcases, satchels, backpacks, duffel bags, guitar cases, pouches, wallets, and more. All pieces are of the same quality & durability as that first bag that I had made. When you buy a Rustic Leather product, you buy a heirloom quality piece that will last your whole life & then some. I am so confident in our product that I offer a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If after you receive your Rustic Leather product & are not for some reason satisfied, you can return it within 14 days for a refund.
Better with age, at least that is what I was always told. I don't know about me, but my bags certainly stand up to that statement. The leather we use has natural scrapes and color variances that either the animal gained while it was walking the earth or through the tanning process, this is all part of the beauty of our bags... they are not perfect cookie cutter bags made in some factory in Mexico, China, India, or who knows where. Once our leather gets broken in and ages it gains a beautiful patina which adds to the distinct character of each bag. Additionally, scratches and scars that happen through time each tell a story of the bag's history. Ultimately, no two bags are exactly alike giving you a one of a kind product as unique and different as each individual owner.
Thank you for taking the time to read my long winded story and learn how this adventure began.